Post by The Aztec Panther on Oct 22, 2010 6:05:28 GMT -8
It's pretty clear that NPR has an agenda, regardless of what those in charge say or are willing to admit.
The firing of Juan Williams and the way that was handled is just further proof that NPR has an agenda (you don't for a second think they'd have done that had the word been, "Christians," instead of, "Muslims," do you?). They fired a solid commentator who is very knowledgeable about many subjects because he addressed reality on another network.
For all the garbage that those on the left give us about Fox News, they've also got MSNBC (which is further to the left than Fox is to the right), and CNN (which leans just slightly to the left), so they don't need NPR to, "Balance," anything out. If NPR is really worth a damn then they can survive just like the other networks do. If they can't then they don't deserve to survive.
Something tells me that George Soros would make sure that NPR survives, though.
But public funding for a biased news network should cease. Especially one run with the lack of ethics that NPR seems to be run with.
Post by ptsdthor on Oct 22, 2010 7:00:18 GMT -8
Everyone knows that NPR is as biased as they come and it has been a battle of will by Democrats to protect their biased news outlet. The lame excuse about obtaining traditionally unavailable programming is just that. With hundreds of news and entertainment channels available now via network, cable, satellite, internet, etc., it is absolutely laughable to think the NPR must be partially funded by taxpayers in order that the public receive diversity in programming. The truth is that the public receives very little or no diversity in thought from NPR, just like Fox or MSNBC. As it stands now, the Feds theoretically fund just 2% of that biased enterprise. They should zero that out and stop the charade.
Post by AlwaysAnAztec on Oct 22, 2010 7:54:25 GMT -8
NPR only gets 6% of its money from the Feds.
Post by The Aztec Panther on Oct 22, 2010 8:09:17 GMT -8
NPR only gets 6% of its money from the Feds. Which is 6% that should be de-funded immediately.
Post by The Great Aztec Joe on Oct 22, 2010 8:21:53 GMT -8
NPR only gets 6% of its money from the Feds. Which is 6% that should be de-funded immediately. Totally wrong! YOu stop the limited funding for NPR, and you end up superfunding Fascist Radio and television like Fox and Limbaugh. This grossly immoral and criminal war against the poor and lower middle class that the corrupt Republican Party has waged in the past ten years has gotten totally out of control and will result in a Civil War in this country. Even Republican candidates are admitting that they know a Civil War is in the offing. You can not rape the poor and middle class of this country and think that they are just going to sit back and take it. Oppressive Republican greed has gotten totally out of control. They all come across as criminally minded thieves. Their corruption will be shut down soon. It will be about time.
Post by The Great Aztec Joe on Oct 22, 2010 8:24:27 GMT -8
I am personally going to attend the public hanging of all of the Goldman Sachs executives. They all need to be punished in the worst way.
Post by uwaztec on Oct 22, 2010 8:33:25 GMT -8
It's pretty clear that NPR has an agenda, regardless of what those in charge say or are willing to admit. The firing of Juan Williams and the way that was handled is just further proof that NPR has an agenda (you don't for a second think they'd have done that had the word been, "Christians," instead of, "Muslims," do you?). They fired a solid commentator who is very knowledgeable about many subjects because he addressed reality on another network. For all the garbage that those on the left give us about Fox News, they've also got MSNBC (which is further to the left than Fox is to the right), and CNN (which leans just slightly to the left), so they don't need NPR to, "Balance," anything out. If NPR is really worth a damn then they can survive just like the other networks do. If they can't then they don't deserve to survive. Something tells me that George Soros would make sure that NPR survives, though. But public funding for a biased news network should cease. Especially one run with the lack of ethics that NPR seems to be run with. This is bullsh*t. I have actually learned something from NPR in the areas of science and biology. Intelligent discussion. Know what I have learned from FOX? Absolutely nothing in those areas. Fish against man..... blah blah blah.... "Elite" = people with advanced degrees...blah blah blah. Juan Williams is a different subject. He is markedly different on NPR than he is on FOX. A $3 million dollar contract (from FOX) will do that to you. I think the firing had not much to do with the controversy. By the way...George Soros decides what goes on at NPR is an easy thing to say... like "Delta smelt or the farmers"... intellectually dishonest.
Post by The Aztec Panther on Oct 22, 2010 8:33:37 GMT -8
Which is 6% that should be de-funded immediately. Totally wrong! YOu stop the limited funding for NPR, and you end up superfunding Fascist Radio and television like Fox and Limbaugh.
Post by The Great Aztec Joe on Oct 22, 2010 8:39:36 GMT -8
Post by The Aztec Panther on Oct 22, 2010 8:41:23 GMT -8
No one's saying that NPR should be shut down - just that it shouldn't be paid for (even in part) by the taxpayers.
Post by aztecwin on Oct 22, 2010 9:03:54 GMT -8
NPR only gets 6% of its money from the Feds. So stop that 6%. Let Soros make up the difference.
Post by aztecwin on Oct 22, 2010 9:07:01 GMT -8
Totally wrong! YOu stop the limited funding for NPR, and you end up superfunding Fascist Radio and television like Fox and Limbaugh. I also think that is bizarre.