Post by ptsdthor on Oct 19, 2010 8:23:04 GMT -8
Post by The Great Aztec Joe on Oct 19, 2010 9:10:00 GMT -8
The potential for a person to commit violent crime is indirectly proportional to his or her IQ. The lower the IQ the greater propensity to be a criminal. Studies at Stanford University have confirmed that. But, hell, we have known that in this country for generations. We have always used the word "stupid" as a common adjective describing violent criminals.
In Germany they have been letting millions of Turks and Arabs into the country. In so doing they are inviting a criminal class to openly invade their cities. The average Arab IQ is 85. (That number is arrived at in Germany from mandatory IQ tests given to the students.) The average IQ of Arabs in their native countries is way below that. With that influx of low IQ immigrants comes higher and higher criminality. In Germany they are finding that Arabs commit ten times as much crime as native Germans.
It sounds like the same problem that the United States has known about and documented for generations (with Stanford University leading the way.) the Stanford studies are centered on race. African Americans who have very low average IQ's (roughly equivalent to that of the Arabs.) commit ten times the amount of violent crime than do Americans of Northern European ancestry. The criminal stats are there for all to read, though lately we have become politically correct and exclude race from crime statistics in many of the states of the United States. If you obfuscate the data then it is not an issue. Right?
Mexican American Immigrants (usually Amerind in DNA) commit about five times as much crime as Americans of Northern European ancestry. Their average IQ is not as low as that of the American Blacks, but it is down there. The average American Indian IQ is as low as the Mexicans. Their employment rate is abysmal. Alcoholism and drug abuse abounds. A large percentage of them just stay on the reservations and accept welfare checks from the American government. They complain about the reservation schools not teaching their children as well as White People schools (witness the school performance in North and South Dakota as an example) but the reality is that the kids are just not intelligent enough to perform at the same level.
Academic performance in school is similarly effected by average IQ, with blacks and Mexican Americans dropping out or failing out in numbers related to how low their IQ is. Education in the large inner cities is suffering because of the poor quality of the students. Thirty percent of Blacks cannot learn how to read. About the same proportion can not do simple single digit math.
My wife who graduated at the top of her college class (dual degrees, MBA and a teaching credential from the state of California) had to do her student teaching in Riverside's inner city area where the average IQ of the student body was 87. With an IQ average that low, you know that nearly half of the students can not learn to read for comprehension, and their California State tests reflect that reality. New highly motivated teachers are constantly sent to the inner city schools to do their first few years of teaching. When their student class scores continue to be near the bottom, the teachers are given bad reviews because they are not teaching their students at grade level. They are frequently forced out of employment because of their failure to achieve satisfactory academic progress in the classes they teach. A lot of young teacher careers are ruined that way. Sadly, it does not matter who does the teaching, the students with LOW IQ will continue to do poorly. Meanwhile the innercity leadership complains that only the poorest of teachers are sent to the inner city. It is time to call a spade a spade and admit that stupid people do not do as well in an academic environment as do smart people. If inner city children are segregated according to IQ, they perform proportionally to the stududents with equal IQ elsewhere in the country. Yet, the inner city populations do not understand why that happens. Stupid is as stupid does.
MY wife was so traumatized by the insanity of the educational environment in Riverside as well as the violence on a daily basis, after she did her student teaching and received her credential she gave up on the idea of teaching school as a profession because the only jobs that were available were in the Inner City schools.
Just like the Germans are realizing, we need to limit the number of Low IQ people coming into this country. We have too many here already. If we sterilized all students with Low IQ's, our crime rates would dramatically fall in ensuing years. It is time to give eugenics serious consideration in fighting crime. Dumb is as dumb does, and dumb people do bad things all the time.
Post by The Great Aztec Joe on Oct 19, 2010 10:03:59 GMT -8
To answer your question, son of Thor, most universities are quite well aware of the problems. In the Sixties they were forced to go to racial quotas to admit more and more minorities of low IQ. Once they did that, they had to modify the grading systems to that they did not fail out the minorities of Low IQ, so they were graduating students who had impressive credentials but generally failed miserably in the workplace. In the late 1950's and into the 1960's the United States government in all of its majestic wisdom tried to move the Indians off of the reservation so their lower IQ would be diluted by mixing with higher IQ people in the cities. It did not work very well. The Indians were ostracized because they were too stupid to blend in, so could not find jobs and remained on welfare in the American Cities, gravitating to alcoholism (just like on the reservation) and drug abuse. The divorce rate and abandonment of spouse and children rate for male Indians skyrocketed. The entire program was scrapped and the Indians were just placed back on welfare on the reservation. The greatest thing to help the Indians in the past half century has been reservation gambling casinos which have brought employment to the reservation and inter marriage between whites and Indians in cases where the jobs only went to people living on the reservation. (You marry in, you become part of the tribe and are thus eligible for employment. And your children have guaranteed future employment in well paying jobs. It is smart to marry Indian in that case. Stanford University reports that school performance on those reservations has improved dramatically in the past two decades.) I have been part of the Stanford University IQ testing for half a century now. I know the professors who have been running and compiling the IQ test data from across the country. Their data on the Black and other minority IQ test scores and associated lack of performance in the classroom has been sent to the President for the past 80 years. Last years report to Obama was returned with a scrawl across it in green felt tip pen that said, "Racist Crap!" Stanford will not send him the report this year. Oh well, to each his own. Statistical data that shows that we have a very serious problem is labeled as racist and dismissed. Yet, the problems persist and innercity kids continue to fail out of school at an alarming rate. You can not make the problem go away by denying it. I am part of the testing because I was a member of a problem category that they had the funding to research starting in 1961. They have been compiling data on kids who were in Junior High school in that year who were poor performers even though they had high IQ scores. In almost every case the children were from broken homes (as was I) and they appeared to simply be depressed by the lack of family stability. I was disinterested in school. I went there because I had to under law, but I really did not want to be there. At any rate they have tracked that group for half a century now. Almost all of us performed better in life than we did in a school environment. I graduated right below the mid point of my high school class, but had one of the highest IQs ever measured at Escondido High. The suicide rate for our study group is twice that of the national average. For the most part, we were kids who were very emotionally sensitive and prone to be hard and demanding of ourselves once in adult life. Since I was interested in the program itself, I have gained access to a lot of the Stanford University IQ data. It is fascinating stuff. Papa Stanford must have been a racial superiority buff, because all of the initial studies seemed to be directed towards profiling people based upon five different racial categories. Whites are divided into northern European and Mediterranean categories. Southern Europeans were essentially seen as inferior to the northern Europeans, but smarter then people from lands to the south of them. For some reason the early data on Asians is simply not there. Lately there has been a lot of research on that area. Northern Chinese and Koreans fall into the same IQ category as Northern Central Europeans. The most intelligent people in the world are the Ashkenazi Jews who have immigrated to the United States, Canada and England from the part of Europe that centers on Germany. Sadly, Hitler wiped most of them out. I think he was afraid of the competition.