Back in the '90s, Gorbachev stated that he was going to do the worst thing to the U.S. he could possibly do - he was going to take away our enemy. In that he was quite correct because between the fall of the Russian Empire and 9/11 we had no enemy and having no enemy puts a lie to our defense industry, the greatest jobs program this country has ever seen.
But of course that has now gone by the wayside - we have our enemy, "radical Islam" that allows us to waist a massive amount of our national treasure in order to support the defense industry because more and more we are becoming a nation whose only manufacturing is cars, software and weapons.
Right wing nuts like Pooh and military advocates like Stu love to defend our totally over-bloated defense budget while offering platitudes about how this or that weapons platform that makes up a minor amount of the budget could be cut. We have upwards of 1,000 overseas bases (I will admit that number may be incorrect but I challenge anyone to tell me we don't have a ton of them). And with all those bases it becomes very easy to argue that this country is an imperial power.
One of the few things I like about the few rational teabaggers is they are willing to put defense spending on the table. Quite frankly I'd love to see our defense budget cut by half but that won't happen because doing so would destroy a massive number of jobs and cost at least half of the House's representatives to lose their phony jobs to go away.
Let's face a simple fact - the defense industry controls this country and it taints every social issue we should be addressing. Until we get rid of its influence that won't happen, but unfortunately, due to the most politically activist Supreme Court we've had since Dred Scott, it won't happen because those idiots ruled corporations are individuals.
Needless to say that will make the military retirees on here who live off the government dole while bitching about unions happy, but it really says a lot about how our government is run.
After all, if we didn't engage in wars, thereby constantly increasing the military budget, how would they survive if they weren't allowed to retire until they were at least in their 50s?